Parallax filter picture
ACRONYM Wavemorphing Thru-0 VCO

ACRONYM stands for Analogue CoRe Oscillator New tYpe: Morphing. It combines a stable, great tracking analogue triangle core VCO with unique waveshaping, voltage controlled wavemorphing, through-zero phase modulation, and two suboscillators to create a powerhouse VCO that excels creating unique analogue timbres as well as more traditional waves.

ACRONYM is designed with extreme attention to user ergonomics with all controls laid out to be tweaked by human hands. A large Fine Tune control means you won't have any trouble dialing in exact frequencies, perfect for precise phase modulation ratios. Five audio outputs (Sine, Triangle, -1 sub, -2 sub, wavemorph) give you plenty of options for self-patching or more complex patches. Variable wave morphing with separate control of subs in the Wave output mean you don't need an extra mixer. Hard sync allows for more tonal options when modulating the phase of the VCO core. The volt per octave CV input (marked V/8) allows precise tracking of over 8 octaves.

The real strength of ACRONYM lies in its ability to create rich harmonic timbres through the modulation of the Wavemorphing section. The true analogue wavemorpher responds beautifully to audio rate modulation, and unique musical timbres can be patched up by modulating the wavemorpher with the Sub outputs, from mild to wild.

  • Width: 12hp
  • Depth: 44mm
  • Current draw:
    +12V: 95mA
    -12V: 72mA
    +5V: 0mA
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MidSide+ Thru-Zero Stereo Processor

MidSide+ is an advancement of the LRMSMSLR MidSide stereo processor, offering all the functionality of the original as well as an advanced voltage-controlled through-zero width processor and a switchable HPF on the side signal. This gives you not only advanced control of the width of your stereo signals, but also the ability to create new stereo signals from mono using MS processing and then use CV to control the width of the resulting signal.

The addition of a VCA on the Mid return and a 4 Quadrant Multiplier on the Side gives you complete control of the width from Mono, through Stereo and on to Super-wide Stereo, as well as being able to reverse the stereo image and then go on to Super-wide Reverse Stereo. All processing is 100% analogue and responds at audio rate, allowing you to create thick stereo sideband signals when using an audio-rate modulation source like a VCO. The switchable HPF has minimal phase shift in the pass band and ensures mono compatibility in the low end by removing any out of phase low frequency material from your signal when engaged, letting you get as wild as you want in the stereo field.

Like all WORNG Electronics modules the interface is ergonomically designed and doesn't skimp on attenuvertors for modulation inputs.

  • Width: 8hp
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Current draw:
    +12V: 40mA
    -12V: 43mA
    +5V: 0mA
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Parallax filter picture
Parallax Stereo Low Pass Filter

Parallax is a stereo filter designed with a classic sound, a simple friendly interface, lots of modulation options and two flavours of output. Designed to bring your modular system into a stereo world, Parallax is a pair of filters for your left and right signals which are controlled with common stereo controls, as well as controls to skew the cutoff and resonance in the stereo field. Parallax is perfect for making synth patches from stereo sources, or for taking a mono signal and making it stereo.

A stereo signal (or mono to the left input) passes through filters based on the design of the classic Pro-One but with a number of tweaks to update the filter for modern use. in addition to the -24dB/oct outputs there are -12db/oct outputs added for a brighter, smoother sound in addition to the powerful sound four-pole sound you would expect. All outputs are available simultaneously, giving you more patching options.

  • Width: 16hp
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Current draw:
    +12V: 70mA
    -12V: 70mA
    +5V: 0mA
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Vertex Stereo VCA

Vertex is a stereo VCA with some clever tricks up its sleeve to give you more control over the stereo domain. Vertex contains four analogue VCAs configured in such a way as to give you voltage control of the amplitude of a stereo signal (or make a mono signal stereo) as well as having control of the balance or panning of the signal.

Easily patch up a stereo signal path with a single envelope generator, skew your stereo image or pan a mono signal with CV. Vertex also takes advantage of the VCAs used to be able to saturate at unity gain without distorting your audio signal. This means that you can waveshape an AD envelope into an AHD using the Skew control to add punch to your patch, and use the Skew CV to dynamically alter the envelope timing to change the relative loudness between the Left and Right signals while still keeping the peak signal levels the same.

Vertex is also a great tool for controlling the dynamics of an XY signal for oscilloscope or vector laser patches.

  • Width: 8hp
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Current Draw:
    +12V: 45mA
    -12V: 45mA
    +5V: 0mA
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SoundStage picture
SoundStage II Stereo Spectral Mixer

SoundStage II is a stereo mixer module unlike any other. Completely reimagining what a mixer needs to be in a Eurorack system, SoundStage helps you build your mix just by patching your voices in.

Inputs are placed in the stereo field depending on their horizontal patch position left to right, and placed in the frequency spectrum depending on vertical patch position, with twenty carefully tuned analogue resonant -12dB/octave Sallen-Key filters to give definition to low, low mid, mid, high mid and high voices.

Depth of filtering and output level have dedicated controls and bipolar CV inputs, allowing creative uses such as sidechain compression and rhythmic filtering.

SoundStage II improves on the original with an improved Depth control circuit, added (fully filtered) FX send and return, better low end response, better power consumption, and a log VCA on the output for better response when patching compression or expansion on the outputs.

  • Width: 14hp
  • Depth: 40mm
  • Current draw:
    +12V: 130mA
    -12V: 130mA
    +5V: 0mA
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Vector Space picture
Vector Space CV Vector Animator

Vector Space builds on the concept of spatial CV mixing pioneered by the Wiard JAG and moves into three dimensions, as well as adding additional complex outputs, letting you generate seventeen interrelated voltages from three CV inputs, using 100% analogue circuitry.

Use it to generate a large number of complex modulations from a small number of simple sources, and vastly increase the amount of modulation you have in your system. Try running three sequencers or stepped voltages to the inputs and then running the plane outputs to a number of VCO frequency inputs for complex countermelodies, run LFOs or random voltages in to get complex modulation voltages out, it works particularly well feeding the outputs back to modulate the speed/shape/etc of what's being fed in, things can get very complex very quickly. The switches shift the expected input range from +/-5V to 0/10V to use with either bipolar or unipolar sources, or use the switches as another input source by switching them in real time.

  • Width: 20hp
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Current Draw:
    +12V: 150mA
    -12V: 120mA
    +5V: 0mA
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LRMSMSLR picture
LRMSMSLR Mid/Side Encoder-Decoder

The LRMSMSLR brings the power of mid/side processing to the world of Eurorack. Mid/side processing is a powerful tool often utilised in mastering studios; it takes a stereo signal and separates it into the mid and side elements, allowing you to independently process them and then recombine them into a stereo signal.

Used creatively this allows a sound designer to do anything from using two filters with differing responses on a stereo signal without having to perfectly match them for a balanced stereo response, to using a VCA to modulate the stereo width at audio rates to add harmonics to a stereo signal, to techniques which haven’t even been invented yet. The inputs and outputs are DC coupled so the LRMSMSLR can be used to get a sum and difference from two CV signals to create complex dynamic CV signals from simple LFOs and envelopes.

Unlike imitators LRMSMSLR uses high quality OPA opamps throughout the signal path for studio quality sound.

  • Width: 4hp
  • Depth: 37mm
  • Current draw:
    +12V: 15mA
    -12V: 15mA
    +5V: 0mA
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LRMSMSLR picture
SideCar Six Channel Mono/Stereo VCA

SideCar is a six channel precision VCA with 45mm faders, ergonomically designed to give modular synthesists never before seen levels of control over their audio levels. The first four channels are mono and the final two are stereo, perfect for the modern eurorack mixed-signal workflow.  

All ins and outs are situated on the top of the module, allowing the level controls to be kept clear  so you can mix without feeling like you're delving into a tangle of stray cables. The inputs and outputs are cleverly designed to be patch-reconfigurable to create aux sends, submixes, even an 8-2 stereo mix. The CV inputs are attenuated by the faders, and when unpatched the faders act as static offsets, giving you hands on control of your mix.

SideCar incorporates clever CV processing circuitry to prevent clipping, add punch to your signal, and extend the fader resolution in the crucial 0 to -40dB range. It's the perfect level control solution for any system, large or small.

  • Width: 18hp
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Current draw:
    +12V: 72mA
    -12V: 72mA
    +5V: 0mA
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